Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Macon Leo Workman

Welcoming baby Macon home!!

The meeting
The weigh in

Macon Leo Workman was born on Saturday, Feb. 20, 2010. It was the exact opposite labor and delivery that I had with Molly. I woke up on Saturday morning, took a shower, did my hair and nails and then was having mild/medium contractions and decided to call the Dr. to see if I should come in. I wasn't sure they would want me but being 41+++ weeks decided it was worth it to mosey down to the hospital. My water broke shortly after getting to triage and due to how fast things were happening and availability of labor and delivery rooms they actually set up for a delivery right there.. fortunately for all, a room became open and about 20minutes later Macon was born!!
He was born at 12:38pm weighing 8lbs 1oz and measuring 20 3/4in.
He reminds my mom a lot of me. He is a very quite and if he didn't sleep in our room I don't think that we would hear him!
Molly has been wonderful with him. She welcomed him into the house bringing her favorite toys to show him and wanting him to watch her movies with him. She got up our first morning home and couldn't wait to find Macon and make sure he was ok.

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